In 2009 one of the projects I am going to be participating in is to create a Decision Tree Activity for students to complete on cybersafety. The final product will be the Decision Tree but the main work will be in a wiki and will be a collaboration between students and teachers to find the issues relating to working / being in an online environment and what solutions that can be come up with.
On my journey into looking for relevant resources I found these create case scenarios attached to the Australian Government's NetAlert site.
There are four different situations covered and how each of the student dealt with the issues they were faced with
The Australia Government has created two interactive environments; one for primary students called CyberQuoll and secondary students CyberNetrix both of these look interesting and student friendly and provide good information and linked resources for where to go if you need to follow up issues faced online. Though I worry about the literacy level as there is quiet a bit of reading needed to be done in the secondary one.
Wikispaces is where we will be hosting the colloboration part of this project
Grappa-Ling With Mark Carney (1)
2 hours ago
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